The Enneagram

The Enneagram is dynamic personality system for self-understanding and personal growth that offers a framework for deeper awareness of ourselves and those we interact with.

It’s a dynamic system that describes nine distinct personality styles and their unique patterns of thinking, feeling, and responding. The Enneagram provides a map of how these nine types relate to each other and it explains the inner motivations, basic beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of each type.

Each of us can benefit from a greater understanding of our individual personality and the intricate ways in which we interact with, and impact, one another. The Enneagram is a powerful tool for self-discovery and for gaining deeper understanding and compassion for others. The nine Enneagram Types explain our inner motivations, basic beliefs, attitudes and behaviors.

The Justis Group offers programs that can help you identify your own type and how it relates to the other eight types. Contact us for an individual coaching session, or join one of our Enneagram training programs and learn how to use the Enneagram to deepen your self-awareness and improve your relationships with others.

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